About Us
About Us

Bilir Basım, which was established in 1997 and started to serve in the printing sector, has been successfully continuing its services in line with the ever-developing Technology with its dynamic and experienced team since that date.
Bilir Basım, which is preferred by the leading companies of Turkey, has adopted the principle of service focused on continuity and customer satisfaction.
As Bilir Basım, our efforts to raise our printing and Continuous Form quality, which we started with a sense of responsibility, were certified with the ISO 9001-2008 Quality Assurance System in April 2011.
At the point it has come to, our company is proud to serve with hundreds of different solutions to 2000 different customers, which are leaders in the sector, with its expert staff.
As today, we will continue to be a solution partner with our new investments that will maintain the interest and trust of our cooperating companies in us in the future.